Land-art I found last summer just outside the walls of the small & old town of Fürstenwerder, Brandenburg.
Some (sadly unnamed) sculptor took a boulder and carved many hand-prints as a high relief all over and polished them.
I thought that to be very impressive, for it shows the longlasting connection of our species to the earth. It also is kind of quoting the stone-age art of painting handprints on cave-walls.
We aren´t so progressed as we like us to be I think ;)
We never stopped working with stones, we now rely on Silicium /silicon as our extended memory, haha.
[ Yes, I know, silicon is a metalloid, but it is usually found in the form of silicon dioxide (aka quartz), and other silicate minerals....]
Nothing new under the sun - depends only on the point of view, as usual.
AM3 meets Prague, May 20-22/ 2011
We´ll have it all:
fun, food, history & zombies ;D
Attention guys:
>> Project PhotoCover *aka Scratch-my-back* <<
KriKriDesign brought up a very cool new project for all of us! In a nutshell it´s about reprocessing other people´s images.
Read & follow the instructions here if you want to participate!! Please read the entire thread (isn´t too long) !
Direct download link to the original file, please use it according to the rules.
And sorry - I don´t always shoot in RAW/DNG, so you have to live with JPGs ;)
Please respect my work.
If you want to use my pictures just contact me. I´m a nice one & it won´t hurt, probably.
All images are copyright protected. They may not be printed from the screen, copied, distributed, published or used for any commercial or other purpose without my written consent, which I´ll give you gladly as long as you´ll ask nicely.